How Long Should Your YouTube Videos Be To Attract Clients?


So how long should your YouTube videos be right now I’m back in Budapest hungry um I’m about to go to this event that I host on Thursdays um at the co-working space but figured I’d record this video on the way since it’s a question I get asked all the time and for those asking why I live in Hungary like what does it look like this is what it looks like like this is Louis Vuitton right here you have a lot of other like Gucci and all this other type of stuff over here and it’s just like a really just a beautiful city if you’ve never been here definitely got to come but anyways a lot of people always ask you know D how long should my YouTube videos be as an online coach and I really like what Alex mosy says which is there’s no such thing as long only to Bor you know a lot of people now say that people have a short attention spans and I actually disagree I don’t think we have short attention spans because you still have like Marvel movies black panther all these other movies that are two three hours long Oppenheimer that people sit through in love but I think people just have low tolerances for things that aren’t engaging so now it just has to be more engaging because there’s so many more options and so I don’t think you should focus on like the length of like oh it has to be under 3 minutes or under 5 minutes or 10 minutes or 7 minutes and 15 seconds you should just say hey I need to deliver the value as much value as possible and the short amount of time as possible if it takes you 10 minutes to explain something then it should take you 10 minutes to explain something but if it only takes you 3 minutes 3 minutes to explain something explain in 3 minutes not 30 minutes or more right so the the point is not the length of the video but it’s actually being engaging actually delivering the value and you want to get straight to the point you want to be you know as you know engaging along the way as possible so if you’re an online coach the way I suggest you doing that and structuring your videos is before you record them like for me I don’t just pull out my phone and record sometimes I do but I have the script in my head to where I’m thinking about it beforehand before I put up this camera just now actually knew what I was going to talk about so what you want to do is have a day where you’re coming up with the idea and then you script it and the way that you can script this is you start with the hook the hook of your your video so for me in this video I start off with the question so hey what do you eat to lose weight or how do you run Facebook ads whatever the thing is that you’re helping people with the question that they have start that off in the video then you can give your video context just like I did hey I’m in Budapest Hungary this is what it looks like right so I’m like showing you guys around the city it gives you guys a little bit more context of why I’m recording it outside or whatever it is that you’re doing in the video hey I just got done with the work shift or hey I’m at this event whatever that looks like then you want to get right into the content you don’t want to say my name is D green and I’m the founder of such and such and on this channel my goal is to blah blah blah and do this whole 30 minute intro that’s like way too much you’re going to lose people so you just want to get right into the content of the video so you have the intro or the hook which is like the question or the statement to grab their attention context add some context to the video and then from there you want to go right into the content then after that you can do three things you can ask them a question that’s going to help you get engagement on your video which shows YouTube hey people like this video so you can ask them a question so for this I can say how long do you typically make your videos or how long do you feel like your video should be let me know in the comments right that could be an example of a question which is going to help me get engagement after you ask this question which is optional you don’t always have to do it the next thing that you want to do is you want to do two ctas the first CTA is towards your offer or what you’re trying to get people to do so you could say hey join my my free program or download my PDF or hey book a call whatever that next step is that you want people to take and then the last CTA is for your channel so this is where you’re going to say uh subscribe to my channel like this video but also more importantly you’re going to say hey if you like this video go watch this next video and you want to get people to keep binging your content so if you kind of script that out whenever you record it’s going to feel like less rambling because you know what you’re talking about you’re going to be straight to the point and you don’t always have to worry about like oh I got to St under 10 minutes or 7 minutes because most people don’t struggle with how long their videos are they struggle with consistency because they’re worried about so many freaking different things so stop worrying about all that and just script it out focus on being valuable and let it be as long as it is you can always edit out the mistakes and clip it shorter and so again like I said let me know in the comments how what are your thoughts on how long a video should be do you agree with what I’m saying disagree let me know why also if you would like more help using YouTube to attract High ticket coaching clients this is something that we do in my program contate easy and I’ll actually leave a link below where you can get a free 30-day trial you can get access to our course private community and actually we do weekly Mastermind calls so you can get access to all that free for 30 days and I’ll help you out and then like I said if you like this video give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and I actually did another video that you guys should check out on uh three easy ways to title your YouTube video so now that you are recording your videos you know it’s not necessarily about how long it is these are three easy ways for you to title your YouTube videos that make it a lot simpler so go check out that video I’ll see you guys there hope this was super helpful like I said if you never been to Budapest definitely come here um see you guys later talk to you soon

need help ATTRACTing CLIENTS with youtube?