How Often To Post On YouTube To Attract Clients


How often should you post on YouTube as an online coach this is a question that I’m seeing and getting all the time so I want to make sure I gave you guys my uh personal opinion on this right now I’m on the way to a business brunch that I host here every other Sunday in Budapest hungry so I figured I’d record this video on the way so my thoughts are if you are just now starting off on YouTube and you’re not actually you know consistent really um to be posting one time per week the reason why I say that is whenever I first started off on YouTube I quickly realized that there’s a lot going on on YouTube it’s not as simple as some of these other platforms let’s say like Twitter where you just you know pull out your phone and just type some words in press enter or even with Tik Tok or Instagram where you pretty much just record a video and post it um with YouTube there’s a lot more complex things going on you have thumbnails you have titles you got descriptions you got tags you got being in your video scripting your video when do you what times do you post your videos promoting your videos monetization like there’s so many different skills and so I knew that if I wanted to be able to use this platform as a way to grow my personal brand and attract clients I couldn’t just look at it as like what’s the least amount of work I could do and I think that’s how a lot of online coaches or coaches that I see and talk to are approaching it right they’re not really familiar with the platform and so they’re like what’s the least amount of work that I can do to get by and I think of it more of like sports growing up I played basketball and you don’t just think of like what’s the minimum about of of shots that I can put up to you know go to college or what’s the minimum amount of time that I can spend in the gym the people that thought like that they’re not in the NBA right people that are in the NBA are like yo I am dedicating myself to mastering this skill and so I knew hey I need to be posting every single week that way I can increase my skills I can get better at you know uh talking on camera I can get better at scripting my videos thumbnails all these types of things I need to learn week after week after week and if you listen to a lot of big YouTube influencers Mr Beast uh Alex Moi whoever they’re like you got to at least put out a 100 videos before you decide if you’re good good or not right and so one video every week is just 52 videos that would still take you two years that’s a lot of time and most people that I see are giving up after you know they post like four or five videos and they’re not famous yet and so I knew I got to dedicate myself to this if this is something that I really want to do so I put out one video a week and the crazy thing is there’s a lot of videos that I have on my channel now that have hundreds of thousands of views or tens of thousands of views but these were videos that I wasn’t even going to make these were videos I wasn’t even going to record because I didn’t feel like recording them I thought it was a stupid idea my background wasn’t perfect like I had all these reasons and excuses not to but because I was dedicating myself to put out a video no matter what I recorded these videos and now these some of these videos are the videos that have or they are videos that have the most views on my Channel videos that I never thought that were going to do good I mean you even hear this a lot of the times with with musicians right uh I didn’t think that song was going to do well but they put it out and it becomes you know their most popular song and so I think there’s a couple reasons why you should be posting at least one time per week one is so you can get better at your actual being on YouTube enhance your skills and start learning more every single week you’re going to learn so much more and so much more and so much more and just like an athlete by the end of the year you’re going to be so much better than the other people in your Niche I mean I’m competing with other coaches entrepreneurs that helping people with YouTube so they know a lot about YouTube but for you people in your industry and your Niche probably aren’t willing to put in the time to get good at YouTube so if you can really dedicate yourself to that you’re going to be light years ahead of them the other reason the second reason is because you never know what those videos are actually going to be able to turn into the video you don’t feel like putting out today could be the video that ends up getting hundreds of thousands of views and attracting you a lot of clients which gives you ideas for other videos and really grows your channel like there’s videos that I’ve created that I didn’t really want to make but because I was dedicating myself to putting out a video a week now Drew my channel thousands of subscribers right and have got me clients made us tens of thousands of dollars and so I would say like you never know right so if you’re just putting out videos you never know which one is going to do good and the final reason which might be the most important reason is I knew that the information that I have in my brain can help somebody it could change their lives I knew that holding that information in because I was insecure about how I looked or I didn’t feel like putting out videos or I didn’t have the best background was doing those people a disservice and that they were sitting around stuck confused maybe they were going to give up because I wasn’t posting how did I know this because other people’s videos Ty Lopez Gary ve Alex mosy whoever else changed my life changed my business changed my future because they were putting out videos and some of those videos were probably videos they thought might not even do anything might not matter maybe some of those didn’t get a lot of views but it mattered to me and so I want to be the person that’s putting out that content for other people to help them and so I believe you should be posting videos one time per week not just to get clients and not just to get views but because you’re dedicated to serving people in your Niche and in your industry and you know that the information that you have could significantly improve and change their lives and you never know which one of those videos or those posts is going to be the one that helps them the most so I hope this video inspires you not to just go ah what’s the least amount of effort I can put into YouTube but to say okay if I want to really you know use this platform to change my life and change my business I have to start taking it serious and it’s a skill that I have to learn and so by doing this every single week I’m going to get better and I’m going to get better I’m going to get better and then some of those videos are going to pop off ones unexpected unexpectedly but also more importantly along the way I’m going to change and impact so many lives which is going to bring fulfillment to you the views the money all that type of stuff is cool but um it’s the lives that you change that are actually the most important things so hope that inspires you let me know in the comments what you think about this how often should you be posting if you agree or disagree with uh my thoughts on this and if you have any experience of you’ve just been posting your videos popped off or hey you’re posting and you’ve been impacting people’s lives so if you need help being consistent on YouTube maybe you don’t know where to start or how to be confident on camera or what the title of your videos or you know maybe you don’t even know your offer I just launched a new program called Channel starter where we will literally help you figure all this out help you launch your channel get to your first 100 to 1,000 subscribers um there’s a community a course there’s a ton of resources that you can get from me I just really want to help people out so if you like more in depth help than just having to watch these free videos I’ll leave a link below where you can get a free trial so just go check out the free trial see how it is and if you absolutely love it right now it’s only $97 a month so hope that helps go get that free trial and then other than that um just keep pushing there’s another video that I did that I think you should watch that will kind of reinforce this that’s on the what what I think is the most most important thing to focus on um on YouTube when it comes to getting clients with YouTube so the most important thing you should focus on um when it comes to getting clients with YouTube so check out that video um hope that this video was really helpful if it was would appreciate the subscri subscription and the thumbs up on the video you know as everybody else says but more importantly I hope this video uh changes your mindset to go out there and dedicate yourself to the Mastery but also uh dedicating yourself to changing as many lives as possible so love you guys see youall in the next video how often should you post on YouTube as an online coach this is a question that I’m seeing and getting all the time so I want to make sure I gave you guys my uh personal opinion on this right now I’m on the way to a business brunch that I host here every other Sunday in Budapest hungry so I figured I’d record this video on the way so my thoughts are if you are just now starting off on YouTube and you’re not actually you know consistent really um to be posting one time per week the reason why I say that is whenever I first started off on YouTube I quickly realized that there’s a lot going on on YouTube it’s not as simple as some of these other platforms let’s say like Twitter where you just you know pull out your phone and just type some words in press enter or even with Tik Tok or Instagram where you pretty much just record a video and post it um with YouTube there’s a lot more complex things going on you have thumbnails you have titles you got descriptions you got tags you got being in your video scripting your video when do you what times do you post your videos promoting your videos monetization like there’s so many different skills and so I knew that if I wanted to be able to use this platform as a way to grow my personal brand and attract clients I couldn’t just look at it as like what’s the least amount of work I could do and I think that’s how a lot of online coaches or coaches that I see and talk to are approaching it right they’re not really familiar with the platform and so they’re like what’s the least amount of work that I can do to get by and I think of it more of like sports growing up I played basketball and you don’t just think of like what’s the minimum about of of shots that I can put up to you know go to college or what’s the minimum amount of time that I can spend in the gym the people that thought like that they’re not in the NBA right people that are in the NBA are like yo I am dedicating myself to mastering this skill and so I knew hey I need to be posting every single week that way I can increase my skills I can get better at you know uh talking on camera I can get better at scripting my videos thumbnails all these types of things I need to learn week after week after week and if you listen to a lot of big YouTube influencers Mr Beast uh Alex Moi whoever they’re like you got to at least put out a 100 videos before you decide if you’re good good or not right and so one video every week is just 52 videos that would still take you two years that’s a lot of time and most people that I see are giving up after you know they post like four or five videos and they’re not famous yet and so I knew I got to dedicate myself to this if this is something that I really want to do so I put out one video a week and the crazy thing is there’s a lot of videos that I have on my channel now that have hundreds of thousands of views or tens of thousands of views but these were videos that I wasn’t even going to make these were videos I wasn’t even going to record because I didn’t feel like recording them I thought it was a stupid idea my background wasn’t perfect like I had all these reasons and excuses not to but because I was dedicating myself to put out a video no matter what I recorded these videos and now these some of these videos are the videos that have or they are videos that have the most views on my Channel videos that I never thought that were going to do good I mean you even hear this a lot of the times with with musicians right uh I didn’t think that song was going to do well but they put it out and it becomes you know their most popular song and so I think there’s a couple reasons why you should be posting at least one time per week one is so you can get better at your actual being on YouTube enhance your skills and start learning more every single week you’re going to learn so much more and so much more and so much more and just like an athlete by the end of the year you’re going to be so much better than the other people in your Niche I mean I’m competing with other coaches entrepreneurs that helping people with YouTube so they know a lot about YouTube but for you people in your industry and your Niche probably aren’t willing to put in the time to get good at YouTube so if you can really dedicate yourself to that you’re going to be light years ahead of them the other reason the second reason is because you never know what those videos are actually going to be able to turn into the video you don’t feel like putting out today could be the video that ends up getting hundreds of thousands of views and attracting you a lot of clients which gives you ideas for other videos and really grows your channel like there’s videos that I’ve created that I didn’t really want to make but because I was dedicating myself to putting out a video a week now Drew my channel thousands of subscribers right and have got me clients made us tens of thousands of dollars and so I would say like you never know right so if you’re just putting out videos you never know which one is going to do good and the final reason which might be the most important reason is I knew that the information that I have in my brain can help somebody it could change their lives I knew that holding that information in because I was insecure about how I looked or I didn’t feel like putting out videos or I didn’t have the best background was doing those people a disservice and that they were sitting around stuck confused maybe they were going to give up because I wasn’t posting how did I know this because other people’s videos Ty Lopez Gary ve Alex mosy whoever else changed my life changed my business changed my future because they were putting out videos and some of those videos were probably videos they thought might not even do anything might not matter maybe some of those didn’t get a lot of views but it mattered to me and so I want to be the person that’s putting out that content for other people to help them and so I believe you should be posting videos one time per week not just to get clients and not just to get views but because you’re dedicated to serving people in your Niche and in your industry and you know that the information that you have could significantly improve and change their lives and you never know which one of those videos or those posts is going to be the one that helps them the most so I hope this video inspires you not to just go ah what’s the least amount of effort I can put into YouTube but to say okay if I want to really you know use this platform to change my life and change my business I have to start taking it serious and it’s a skill that I have to learn and so by doing this every single week I’m going to get better and I’m going to get better I’m going to get better and then some of those videos are going to pop off ones unexpected unexpectedly but also more importantly along the way I’m going to change and impact so many lives which is going to bring fulfillment to you the views the money all that type of stuff is cool but um it’s the lives that you change that are actually the most important things so hope that inspires you let me know in the comments what you think about this how often should you be posting if you agree or disagree with uh my thoughts on this and if you have any experience of you’ve just been posting your videos popped off or hey you’re posting and you’ve been impacting people’s lives so if you need help being consistent on YouTube maybe you don’t know where to start or how to be confident on camera or what the title of your videos or you know maybe you don’t even know your offer I just launched a new program called Channel starter where we will literally help you figure all this out help you launch your channel get to your first 100 to 1,000 subscribers um there’s a community a course there’s a ton of resources that you can get from me I just really want to help people out so if you like more in depth help than just having to watch these free videos I’ll leave a link below where you can get a free trial so just go check out the free trial see how it is and if you absolutely love it right now it’s only $97 a month so hope that helps go get that free trial and then other than that um just keep pushing there’s another video that I did that I think you should watch that will kind of reinforce this that’s on the what what I think is the most most important thing to focus on um on YouTube when it comes to getting clients with YouTube so the most important thing you should focus on um when it comes to getting clients with YouTube so check out that video um hope that this video was really helpful if it was would appreciate the subscri subscription and the thumbs up on the video you know as everybody else says but more importantly I hope this video uh changes your mindset to go out there and dedicate yourself to the Mastery but also uh dedicating yourself to changing as many lives as possible so love you guys see youall in the next video

need help ATTRACTing CLIENTS with youtube?